Model Reduction for Quantum Systems: Discrete-time Quantum Walks and Open Markov Dynamics
Grigoletto Tommaso, and Francesco Ticozzi.
Arxiv preprint
Finding simpler descriptions for dynamical models is a fundamental task in many scientific fields, including quantum physics. The main focus of this research area is to find reduced order models of quantum systems of interest while preserving the physical constraints given by quantum mechanics. When looking for reduced order models one could look for smaller description that reproduce the behavior of the original model exactly or smaller models that reproduce the behavior with a given accuracy. Both these directions are being investigated in our group.
The possible application of these model reduction techniques is manifold. Just to name a few: (1) finding better and more efficient ways of simulating quantum models on both classical and quantum computers; (2) obtain a better understanding of complex systems while focusing on simpler to study models; (3) constructing reduced-order state observers that allow for more efficient implementation of quantum controllers.
Furthermore, this research area is tightly connected to relevant areas of interest for control system theory, such as hidden Markov models, positive systems, and complex networks.
Arxiv preprint
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control 2023
2022 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2022.
Automatica 2024
IEEE Control Systems Letters (2021).
I belong to the Automatica group at the Department of Information Engeeniring of the University of Padua and part of the Quantum Dynamics, Information and Control group lead by Prof. Francesco Ticozzi.
I have been a visiting scholar at the Physics and Astronomy Department of Dartmouth College under the supervision
of Prof. Lorenza Viola, working closely with her research group.